Do you support any Geoid models?

Yes, you can select from the list of available geoid models for most countries. AUSGeoid2020 AHD-09AUSGeoid98 EGM98 EGM96CGVD2013DVR90NZ2016NZAuk16GSIGEO2011Geoid12BGeoid18NN2000OSGM15 Let us know if there is another geoid model that you need and we’ll add it to...

What datums are supported?

With our hybrid processing method, your data will be processed using the most recent datum adopted in your country.e.g. the new realization of NAD83(2011) MYCS2 for North America, ETRF2014 (epoch2010) for European countries, GDA2020 or GDA94 for Australia, and...

Can I add my own base station data?

Yes, if you have your local GNSS base station you can add it to the computed solution increase the accurate. This is particularly useful in countries where Hybrid processing is not available.